Shot gunning Pabst Blue Ribbion for Peace

Guinness World Records

Today I sent off a letter to Guiness asking them if this is a record and if so how can we break it. I also asked them how we go about making our own recordif one does not exisit. More reasearch to do and so much more to find out.

Project PBR for Peace: Mission Statement

So this is the concept that starts here and now. I would like to get as many people as I can from the city of Portland to shot gun Pabst Blue Ribbon in honor of world peace. I would like to get the Guiness Book of World Records involved with this fun and maybe even Pabst as well. I would like to hold work shops on "How to Shot Gun". Eventualy, I would like to make this a nationwide event, but for starters, we will try it in Portland, Oregon. So, here is where the idea has been formed and the research will begin. I need a date, time, to obtain tons of PBR's, to find out about Guiness records in shot gunning, and to find a venue.

SO World Peace, don't you worry! We will be shot gunnin' some PBR's in your honor!